What Are the Similarity and Differences Between Democracy and Republic?
To understand the similarity and difference between democracy and republic, first, let's talk about government. What is government? A government is the 'group of people' governing an organized community, generally a state or a country. Where do that 'group of people' come from? Well, it depends on what kind of methods the country follows to select that 'group of people'. In an absolute monarchy, the monarch (usually king or queen) holds supreme autocratic authority. He/She become head of the state for a lifetime. After he/she dies, the throne passes to their offspring and the cycle continues. In this way, the 'group of people' is formed. However, in democracy, people have the authority to choose the 'group of people'. They choose from their own population through votes, discussion or any other methods. So, what is democracy? Democracy is a form of government in which people have the authority to their governing legislator. How does it differ ...